Order States

Every order has a consistent state field. That is the only correct way to check the progress of your order. The possible order states are the following:

const WAITING_PAYMENT = 'waiting-payment'; // order is waiting for a payment to be detected
const WAITING_CONFIRMATION = 'waiting-confirmation'; // payment is detected, waiting for confirmations
const WAITING_PARENT = 'waiting-parent'; // order is waiting for the parent inscription to hit the wallet
const PREP = 'prep'; // order files are being downloaded
const QUEUED = 'queued'; // order is queued for inscription
const ERROR = 'error'; // order has an error
const CANCELED = 'cancelled'; // order is cancelled
const WAITING_REFUND = 'waiting-refund'; // collection order is waiting refund
const REFUNDED = 'refunded'; // collection order was refunded
const EXPIRED = 'expired'; // open node invoice expired
const WAITING_REVEAL = 'waiting-reveal'; // order is waiting to broadcast the inscription reveal
const WAITING_RUNE_BALANCE = 'waiting-rune-balance'; // order is waiting for the rune balance to confirm
const COMPLETED = 'completed'; // order is complted, files are inscribed

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