
As of June 2024, testnet3 is unusable. Feel free to use Signet instead of Testnet until testnet4 is live.

You can use our testnet instance for testing the API.

Testnet API root is at https://testnet-api.ordinalsbot.com and Web UI is at https://testnet.ordinalsbot.com.

https://testnet-api.ordinalsbot.com/status to check for testnet API status and availability.

Explorer is available at https://testnet-explorer.ordinalsbot.com.

You can download any testnet wallet such as https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.schildbach.wallet_test and get testnet coins from faucets like https://coinfaucet.eu/en/btc-testnet.

You can pay testnet Lightning invoices directly from the web by using https://htlc.me.

All endpoints will work on the testnet instance. Just replace the API root with testnet API root.

Last updated