Search Inscriptions
Search millions of inscriptions for any text. Check if a hash of any data has been inscribed before.
As of January 2024, access to search endpoints are restricted to API Keys and allowlisted domains, if you need access to these endpoints please reach out to us on discord.
All results are as sorted earliest first by inscription numbers, so they can be used to check which inscription is first for a certain hash.
Search all inscriptions for any text value
Text Search
You can search for any text string against all existing inscriptions.
Pagination options can be specified by adding itemsPerPage
and page
values in the query parameters. Response provides an array of results as well as information on current page, total page numbers and total items available for the search criteria.
Response structure:
results: [{},{},{},{}], // array of restults
count: 0, // number of Ordinals in the current results array
currentPage: page, // current page number
totalPages: 0, // total pages that can be returned for the current search criteria
totalItems: 0 // total items in the database for the current search criteria
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
text* | String | The text you want to search |
page | Number | The page number in the list of pages to return by default the first page is returned |
itemsPerPage | Number | The number of iterms to return in each page, this defaults to 100 |
Name | Type | Description |
x-api-key | String | API Key Required if domain is not on allowlist. |
Search for an existing Image or File
Use this endpoint to check if a certain image was inscribed before. We call this a "hash check".
Image Search is done by hashing the image file and checking against previous inscriptions' hashes.
To use this endpoint you need to sha256 hash the image file content as below:
Search for Image
Check for previous occurrences of an image in inscriptions. Results array will be sorted by ascending block height. Pagination parameters are the same as text search
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
hash* | String | sha256 hash of an image buffer in hex |
page | Number | The page number in the list of pages to return by default the first page is returned |
itemsPerPage | Number | The number of iterms to return in each page, this defaults to 100 |
Name | Type | Description |
x-api-key | String | API Key Required if domain is not on allowlist. |
Last updated