Create buy offer

This endpoint is designed for creating an transaction to purchase an ordinal listed for sale on the marketplace. Platform Cost: A platform fee is applied only when an ordinal is sold. It is not charged for listing an ordinal. The current fee is 1% of sale amount charged to the seller.

Upon usage, it generates a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) encoded in base64. This PSBT must be signed by the individual intending to buy the ordinal.

Here's an example of executing a purchase transaction with Xverse wallet:

      // XVerse Wallet example of creating a signing request 
      // when buying an Ordinal

      // Create the purchase PSBT by calling /marketplace/create-offer
      const { data } = await axios({
        method: 'post'
        url: '',
        data: {
          ordinalId: id,
          buyerPaymentAddress: paymentAddress,
          buyerOrdinalAddress: ordinalsAddress,
          buyerPaymentPublicKey: paymentPublicKey
        headers: {
        'x-api-key': API_KEY,

      // returned response has a base64 encoded psbt to sign and an array of input
      // indices which the buyer needs to sign with the payment address wallet
      const buyerInput = {
        address: paymentAddress, // Buyer's payment wallet address
        signingIndexes: data.buyerInputIndices

      // When using XVerse Wallet
      // Create the payload for signing the buyer transaction
      const payload = {
        network: { type: "Mainnet" },
        message: "Sign Buyer Transaction",
        psbtBase64: data.psbt,
        broadcast: false,
        inputsToSign: [buyerInput],

      // Make signing request
      await signTransaction({
        onFinish: async (response) => {
          try {
            // Here make a call to /submit-offer
            // Things to do after successful signing
          } catch (Error) {
            // error handling
        onCancel: () => { // User cancelled signing request }

POST Buy an ordinal

Buy a listed ordinal


API Key is required in the header:

headers: { 'x-api-key': '<YOUR_API_KEY>', ...otherHeaders }

Request Body

    "psbt": "cHNidP8BA............z730AAAAAAAAAAA==",
    "buyerInputIndices": [ 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

Last updated